No-Code App Builder

Your brand in their hands - no coding required

Launch your own mobile app without writing a single line of code. Engage your audience directly and build your brand on their home screens.

Why choose our no-code app builder?

Launch fast

Go from idea to app store in days, not months.


Save thousands on development costs.

Fully customizable

Make your app look and feel uniquely yours.


Build once, launch on both iOS and Android.

Benefits for creators

Brand ownership

Your app, your rules. No algorithm changes to worry about.

Direct access

Reach your audience instantly, right on their devices.

Multiple revenue streams

Combine subscriptions, one-time purchases, and ads.

Enhanced engagement

Push notifications and in-app messaging keep your audience connected.

Valuable insights

Understand your audience better with built-in analytics.

Digital downloads

Sell digital downloads without huge fees by owning your own website or app platform.

Features that empower creators

Content management

Easily update your app content anytime.

User authentication

Secure login for your community members.

Push Notifications

Keep your audience engaged with timely alerts.

In-app purchases

Monetize your app with ease.

Analytics dashboard

Understand user behavior and app performance.

Community features

Foster engagement with comments and user profiles.

How it works

Quick and easy to setup


Choose Your Template

Select from our library of pre-designed layouts.


Customize Your Look

Choose your monetization options and audience settings.


Add Your Content

Easily upload and organize your media.


Configure Features

Set up subscriptions, live streaming, and more.


Test and Refine

Review your performance metrics to enhance future streams.



Publish your app to iOS and Android with just a click.

What our creators say

There's a reason why 100s of creators use us

“You never know who you are inspiring. So… Create. That. App!”


RAW Fitness App

“I had more people join than I had even imagined! I couldn’t be happier”


Jenn Fit Lab

“You never know who you are inspiring. So… Create. That. App!”


RAW Fitness App

“You never know who you are inspiring. So… Create. That. App!”


RAW Fitness App

“You never know who you are inspiring. So… Create. That. App!”


RAW Fitness App

Ready to Build Your App?

Your vision.
Your app.
Your success story.

Join the creators who are taking their brand to the next level with their own custom mobile apps.

Frequently Asked Questions

If there’s anything you want to know before getting started, contact us. We’re happy to help!

Get in touch
How quickly can I launch?

As soon as you sign up and start building.  Click 'Get Started' to start the onboarding process. As soon as you upload your content (logo, images and videos) click publish, and your app will be sent straight to the app store for approval. This can take from 24 - 72 hours.

How does Kliq differ from low-code app builders?

Unlike low-code app builders KLIQ requires no technical knowledge, and is specifically focussed at Creators and digital entrepreneurs who create content for their community online.

What are the features in the roadmap?

We are constantly trying to improve the experience for both coaches and your subscribers. Once you have signed up to launch your app, our team will be happy to share features that are in the pipeline.

I already have an app, can I migrate to Kliq?

Yes we'll partner with you to migrate your content and your subscribers to your new app.

Get Started Now

The easiest, fastest, and most powerful way to build your app

Just choose a template, add your content, and customise the look and feel. It's that easy!

Join now

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